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Apr 09th 2023

Helpful and kind. Libra 8th house: fears related to cooperation, relationships, connecting with other people, love, loosing your balance. For those who are students of astrology, learn about one of the most under-utilized and powerful points in the chart for learning who your soulmate is. Libra: Shes So Lovely. Ill tell you all you need to know about your current frequencies. Each aspect is worth 1 point. (your marriage, your type, what kind of partners you tend to attract, what do you need in a relationship, how to build a fullfilling love life, etc): (your ideal career path, your relationship with money, how to make more money, fame, etc): Sun + Moon + Ascendant + Mercury + Venus + Mars analysis: Descendant persona chart interpretation (your soul mate, future spouse, long term partner, what kind of partners do you tend to attract, what do you need in a relationship, etc) : Predictions for the year (solar return chart interpretation): What are you attracting right now? You have the ability to be successful and the strength to overcome obstacles, it reminds that you are the creator of your destiny. Its a good time for counseling, seeing a therapist, begin a diet or take care of yourself in general. It's often considered a marker of your life purpose in astrology, and with Jimin's Sun right here in Tae's chart, Jimin truly embodies the traits which Tae needs in his life to feel the most fulfilled . The problem with using the sun-to-sun aspects in soulmate synastry is that many people are born on the same day. They will possess Capricorn, Saturn, or 10th House influences. the evil aries is something else entirely, an unstoppable force that seeks to destroy everything in its path. Dec 17, 2018. basics. scorpio is all about polarity; how can they be the most extreme? The sea goats journey is one of self-reliance, a quest to master themselves. a soulmate is someone who understands you in a deeper level, mentally, physically and spiritually, someone you can trust, to give you comfort, intimacy etc. The planet or point where Valentine touches , show's what energy the Valentine person love's passionately and unconditionally about the other person. She will certainly illustrate, by way of her position in the scheme of things, the legitimate traits of the loved one when they are confronting their partner. Growth is the key focus of these spiritual soulmate relationships. Pallas is great wisdom as had the elders of the Indian tribes. This is a blueprint which is prepared illustrating the planets, the sun and the moon at the second of your birth. Juno in Aquarius / 11th House - your partner is someone with a hidden emotional side. Someone magnetic with a lot of passion who helps you to bring out passion from yourself too. Hi beautiful souls! Your soulmate will be your hero. they walk about the world like theyre in a dream, oblivious to the injustices that normally tug at their tender heart strings. But you can find out if someone is really your soulmate in astrology by looking at the house number and the nodes in your soulmate birth chart: Your natal chart astrology reveals whether you are compatible with your lover. Juno in the 2nd House: My material gain and comfort. Theyre mature, knowledgable, and they know what theyre doing. A partner who only cares about the surface of things, who is too afraid to embrace their most vulnerable feelings, will leave you feeling isolated and alone. Scorpio continues to get a bad rap, because they have within them an intensity that some of the other signs just don't understand well, except for . Its related to patience and long time waiting. The descendant represents the other half, as does the sister sign, leading to ayou complete me feeling between individuals. Houses + aspects are included! The partner is creative, lavish, sweet and understanding. The Hanged Man (XII) : Its a card about blockages, anxiety, bad periods, waiting for something, impossibility to act, stagnancy. The Tower (XVI) : Its about destruction, surprises, shocking events. with leo and aquarius, there is a distinct tension, but there is also a deep and amazing capacity for both signs to become their best selves together. This person is going to have strong sense of justice! ORACLE CARDS: If you want to learn how to read tarots I suggest you to start reading oracle cards before, theyre way easier to read and their meanings are always positive. All rights reserved. While there are many approaches to getting the details on your soul mate from your trusty deck, you can use our 5-card Tarot spread . They will improve your work ethic and your reputation, guiding you to be a better person and work hard for your success. They will treat you as their equal and make you feel at peace. They may be foreign, far away from your home, or have significantly different beliefs and values as you when you meet them. I'll be picking this blog back up this weekend!! Someone who will show especially with their action that they care about you. They are fierce individualists, but they pay a fair amount of attention to the way others respond to them. A partner who gives in to their weaknesses rather than being strong will leave you feeling restless and lethargic. They tend to bury themselves with hobbies and interests and change in order to escape reality. There's intense and potent magic at work in a spiritual soulmate relationship. im excited cj talks. Patricia has been working as a counseling astrologer for more than 25 years. You admire their courage and tenacity. There are key soulmate aspects in synastry that can denote possible astrological soulmates. 8. Partner is generous but they are not lavish. Pisces is the most loving of these three, but also the least solid and the most prone to fantasy and indecision. The more harmonious connections (conjunctions, trines, and sextiles) between birth charts, the greater the possibility of a blissful . You can ask me whatever you want about it! gemini and sagittarius may run into trouble given that they are typically prone to lacking in the realm of commitment, but once sagittarius really commits, they can provide the stability to the relationship that gemini actually needs. Its connected to a secret thats going to be revealed, peace after a conflict, harmony, beauty, something good in your love life or good times with friends. Regardless of the other connections in their birth charts, spiritual soulmates have a timeless bond. Soul is your stimulus to keep on living. Someone who is jealous and sometimes overly dramatic. / University hiatus. The thing about Cancer is that they seem very dramatic, crying all of the time and making a big deal out of everything, but theyre not acting differently from the way that they truly feel. Juno in Virgo / 6th House - your partner is someone who justknows. Someone really strong, both mentally and emotionally. FREE Birth Chart Reading. Also telling are their Moon, Venus and Jupiter, and Saturn signs, but also planetary aspects involving them. 3 Gemini meets their soulmate at 19. Astrological synastry is the art of comparing natal charts to find strengths and weaknesses in the area of compatibility. Someone who always will care about keeping things interesting, fresh and positive. If you want a full reading about your soulmate, check on the first post pinned up in my blog! If youre looking for high quality astrology insights or tarot readings just feel free to contact me! 4 Sensitive Cancer meets their soulmate between 15 and 20. Note: Just theory ideas! Someone strong and stable. However, the third trio is united by how it chooses to present itself to society. FIRST SIGN YOU SEE IS YOUR SOULMATE'S SUN SIGN. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. It should reveal many sequences of interplay. Pick a couple picture! However, there's much more to uncover if one also explores other synastry aspects, such as conjuncts. . They will offer you support, true love, and compassion. If your heart is set on a Sagittarian man, you're in for a challenge. For example, your ruling Sun or Moon could make an appearance in your significant other's Seventh House. These individuals would likely feel an incredible affinity for each other and get along with astonishing ease. Its also referred to a marriage or a long term relationship, to your father or an older man in your life, to a teacher, mentor or a guide. Theyre perfectly capable of existing alone, but they shouldnt. From the top of my head, we have with the first: 111111 conjunct 131313 exact. Scorpio 8th house: fears related to secrets, not being able to know whats happening around and inside of yourself, jealousy, expressing your sexuality, open up, intimacy. It could suggest a romantic relationship or romantic interests, but its not always the case, sometimes it suggest an important decision thats going to change your life. virgo may act tough and dish out criticism like they have a quota to meet, but pisces treats them nevertheless with the kindness and unconditional love that others rarely extend to the seemingly emotionless virgo, but that the virgo needs. #astrology facts; #astrology; #horoscope facts; #horoscope; #zodiac signs facts; #Zodiac Signs; #zodiac facts; #star . Passionate but can be detached. Virgo: Take Care. Your soulmate will never fail to be a thunderstorm of devotion. Your soulmate is dependable, stable, and wholeheartedly committed to you. there is no shortage of focus when it comes to this sister sign set. The High Priestess (II) : This cards all about secrets and things that are hidden from you. To you, your soulmate is the greatest work of art. A soulmate to me is someone who you've met previously in another incarnation and the relationship does not have to be romantic/amorous at all. Thoughtful but impulsive. I sense that this person could be prone to conflicts and moody but theyre always going to excuse themselves with you after every fight. There are four angles in astrology: the ascendant, the descendant, the IC, and the Midheaven. It's karmic, spiritual and unconscious, pertaining to the soul and the soul's desire, linked to destiny, fate and soulmates. 2 Taurus meets their soulmate between 16 and 18. Otherwise, I sense that theyre going to do everything to put on a happy face just to cheer you up and make you happy. Trustworthy person. Its not necessarily a bad card, its always associated to an unexpected event, in a good scenario it could mean love at first sight. They could be quite nostalgic, cynical and pessimists, they need someone whos going to cheer them up. The nodes of the moon should never be ignored, but when it comes to soulmates, they are especially important. If a soulmate to you is a best friend, then look for someone with whom you can form a grand trine. (your current energy / near future): What does this person thinks about me? tarot reading: Life lessons tarot reading (how to unlock a situation): Why did we met? Find out how old you'll be when you meet your soulmate, with the help of your zodiac signs. Pluto can be a tricky planet, its connected to karmic lessons and can be challenging keeping on repeat the same lessons again and again until you change the game in a definitive way. Masculine mutable signs (Gemini; Sagittarius): Feminine cardinal signs (Cancer; Capricorn): two signs of the same coin, part 2: sister signs. Pluto in 5th house: heal your relationship with your inner child or surround yourself with children, give yourself the opportunity to act like a kid again, work on being spontaneous and less shy, express yourself through art and theater. Even if they've been apart for years or several lifetimes, they're irresistibly drawn to each other when they meet again. As a mental state, its connected to depression, anger and mental breakdowns. This can also indicate a relationship where you complement each other's strengths and weaknesses. Say that one person is a Gemini whose sun trines their Libra moon, and their partner is an Aquarius sun who completes the cycle, bringing in all three air elements and forming a grand trine. Affectionate, helpful and protective. Leo also thrives on attention and has a hard time living if not for others. If you are asking if youre on the right path the answer is yes, it suggests that your soul chose a difficult path but youre going to overcame all the obstacles. Being rather sensitive and private, a Scorpio may have a hard time relating to the impulsive nature of fire signs. It is the management of these differences that is vital. aquarius is a completely different story. Essentially, some spiritual soulmates come into your life to help you grow in love and wisdom, while others are there to aid you in learning difficult life lessons. Some people are just all about Mars synastry - for some reason they turn us on even when it is essentially a fairly crap relationship out . They might even be a bit aggressive but this is only because they care so much. Exceptional minds as well as knowledgeable individuals have investigated this particular subject throughout the generations yet we are still no nearer to a resolution. mars: taurus. Partner with a soft side. they stabilize each other; the aries narrows the libras middle ground perspective to become more focused and concrete, and the libra helps the aries to remember that there is a middle ground at all. That is why I put non sexual asteroids as soul mate asteroids. keywords: soulmates, marriage, commitment; vesta. Sagittarius 8th house: fear of missing something, not living your life at the fullest, being trapped, not being able to experiment and have the opportunity to learn. please do not steal my work or even "reword it" a soulmate isn't only romantic, a soulmate can also be in friendship and so on. The carefree Sagittarian disposition may not be an act, but it can certainly be said that they have a hard time connecting with the consequences of their actions. leo, who may be used to being loved by everyone, does well to find themselves in a bit more of a challenge, just as aquarius must work harder than usual to show that they appreciate their leo. Soulmate is a person who shares a soul with you. A general reading about your future and what youre going to experience, Im going to consider every single area of your life, this reading will be 360 and in depth. The moon is associated with emotions, instincts, deep needs, and nurturing. In that case, there is often a strong attraction that pulls you together. Ill say everything about your personality (or the personality of someone else) and whats influencing your current energy with this 11 cards reading. neptune: aquarius. This is the reading for you! Again, soulmates!! In some cases it could mean that someone of your past is going to get back into your life. I got virgo sun/ pisces . More Readings. The art, and science, related to loving relationship investigation within Astrology is labelled Synastry. Within the context of soulmates, compatibly between two sun signs is "almost" irrelevant. Taurus 8th house: fears related to your own stability, expressing yourself in a creative way, expressing the sensual side of your personality. They carry immense power in the way they relate with others. 3. A partner who doesnt value spontaneity and stepping out of their comfort zone will make life seem dull. Exactly why are we captivated by a person? have you ever woken up early, filled for some reason with tons of energy and ready to delve into the world around you, just like a gemini feels all the time? You may meet them when you are focused on another relationship. Juno in Capricorn / 10th House - your partner is someone independent, bold and classy. North Node Connections - again, . Your soulmate knows exactly what to say and when to say it. All rights reserved. posted September 27, 2015 12:31 AM. Discover more posts about soulmate astrology. It suggest you to relax, to calm yourself, to stay in the present moment and to take care of yourself. Venus Conjunct / Trine Mars 5. They will possess Gemini, Mercury, or 3rd House influences. For advanced students, the draconic descendant is perhaps a more accurate way of determining the soulmate as far as descendants go, as the draconic descendant is literally the soulmate of the soul. Your soulmate wont be afraid to create limitless electricity with you. It could be either a positive or negative card, it means that those who act good will be blessed with a positive change, those who act bad will be punished for their action. Instead, your soulmate will make you feel like youre on a magic carpet ride. This person knows how to act in the public. 17 notes. Aries, you are known for your . They will possess Libra, Venus, or 7th House placements. Partner is someone honest, fiery and independent. Like The Magician it suggests that the right time to act is NOW and that you should put your needs first. These individuals would likely feel an incredible affinity for each other and get along with astonishing ease. Are you feeling stuck? : *:* : *:* : *:* : *:*, : *:* : *:* : *:* : *:*. it would take more than a lifetime to truly know an aquarius, if the task could be completed at all. Virgo 8th house: fears related to rejection, being criticized, responsibility, respecting high standards, not feeling smart enough, being imperfect. These signs have a lot in common, and they all make great, loyal friends and good leaders because they have so much attention on other people. Many people get into astrology to delve into the compatibility between themselves and their partner, but what it helps you discover about yourself is what keeps you interested. they give each other the space and the intimacy that they crave, meaning that each of these wanderers has finally found their home. It could also mean that youre not allowed to receive the answer for your question (I noticed that if this card come out frequently during your readings its signal to stop doing tarot for a while and to recharge your energy). Look at the overall synastry / composite / davison charts. cancer is the yearning child reaching out for the earth, just far away enough from everything they want and love. Someone who is consistent and in need for attention from you. Your Soulmate Based On Astrology *Check Juno (sign + house) and 7th House* Aries / 1st House: an assertive, protective, and energetic partner who may be impulsive and may experience skin and head related ailments. Libra is consciously unoffensive, Scorpio is consciously offensive, and Sagittarius doesnt care about offending people but doesnt actively seek to offend them either. Once you find out who your opposite sign is, you can try finding your soulmate that way! they naturally offend one another, and are also both extraordinarily stubborn, so when their morals and their guts stick together, they are absolutely a force to be reckoned with. HOW TO TURN ON THE VERTEX IN YOUR NATAL CHART:1.Go to Aries' feisty nature applies just as much to the quest for love as it does other aspects of life. A partner who doesnt care enough to do that, who would rather go through life without making a difference, will infuriate you. Mars Conjunct / Trine / Sextile / Opposite Mars 4. A mood maker. capricorn is a hunter, strong and devoted, but belonging in the end to a pack. They may need a time to realise that they want from their partner and what kind of partner they want. Taurus/Cancer/Leo/Libra/Pisces on the cousp of the 2h / 6th / 10th house: these houses are connected with money/work/career, artistic signs on the cousps could be associated to an artistic career. It works with a gentle energy and its connected with the heart chakra (Ill explain later why its the most important one). So let's quickly run through Taeyong's placements. One of the most popular applications of astrology (and at least 40% of my asks) concern love and relationship compatibility analysis. Ill tell you everything you need to know about this connection (this is not restricted to romantic relationships, you can ask about every kind of relationships! His 111111 conjunct my Sun/oppose Venus. These are common synastry aspects for soulmates in astrology. Also Read: 6 Zodiac Signs That Like To Party Hard. Aries is selfish like a child but kind and enthusiastic like one as well. this is in stark contrast to the aries, who will go to great lengths to do what they believe is the right thing. Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Tina Gong/Bustle. Aries (March 21 - April 19): A Sporting Event. Originally posted by freeasabird16048kg. Its related to spring/summer and announces that youre going to see the product of your work in a while, changes will not be noticeable immediately. They might be a little bit jealous and possessive (not in a toxic way). Why? It suggests you that your problems will be solved in the right way, you just have to trust the universe and allow the divine energy to guide you. Please note that each of these aspects alone will not determine whether you or someone else has a karmic relationship. Your Seventh House determines who you will marry. Trust and intimacy are very important with this person. Is this my soul mate? tarot reading: by @sacerdotessa on tumblr | @sacerdotess4 on IGPick a couple picture! This person may appear mysterious and broody. Juno in Cancer / 4th House - your partner is someone who is a go-getter. When these two individuals are together, they feel like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle falling into place. They value freedom yet rarely consider permanence, so they live in a state of absolute honesty and truth, which is sometimes quite admirable and other times highly chaotic. Taureans can meet their soulmate at the age of 16. CRYSTALS: in my opinion, the best crystal for a beginner is rose quartz. Theyre after something spiritual. sagittarius is that late night energy that inspires to you explore the universe, as you feel suddenly compelled to walk out into the dark night and just see whats out there. For Capricorn, a day without work is like a day without sunshine. Whether they use this gift for good or for evil is up to them. Gemini is compatible with several signs, including Aries, Leo, Capricorn Compatibility and Best Matches for Love, The best match for Capricorn needs to understand that this sign sees life as a slow, sure-footed climb to the top of a mountain and that this is also the way a Capricorn approaches relationships wi, How to Attract a Sagittarius Man: 12 Keys to His Heart. the virgo, who grows like a flower with their soul implanted in the earth, suddenly meets the greater and wider world where the pisces lives, floating from feeling to feeling. They love justice and hate every kind of excesses (they might be someone with Libra placements). The trouble with sister signs is, of course, that they may very easily not get along, but when the relationship works, it works better than anything else. The Sun (XIX) : Its a positive card that announces happiness, joy and clarity. It could be related to travels. They lovingly critique you and help you understand what needs to be done in order to reach your fullest potential. Your soulmate infuses everything they touch with passion especially you. Someone who cares about how they appear to the world. The idea is to not geek out over one or two but wait till you see a whole lot of these indicators. This is someone with a sensitive side in them . Theyll provide you with grounding energy so that you never have to worry where you stand. Your connection to them will enhance your self-esteem and your image. Juno MOST of the time is about your romantic partnerships but it can refer to your other platonic relationships with people like friends or family members) Juno in Aries / 1st House - your partner is someone who is confident and strong. The Judgement (XX) : Its a positive card related to resurrection, resolutions, shocking news. scorpio is defined by passion whereas taurus is defined by grace. A partner without a fire burning beneath their actions will bore you or even make you feel insignificant. An active 5th (Leo) / 7th (Libra) or 12th (Pisces) house. A connection between planets and the North Node () suggests that the two have a mission to accomplish together in this life. Scorpio / 8th House: an intense, passionate, and sultry partner who may be perceptive, obsessive, and sexual. Sun/Moon/Venus in Taurus/Cancer/Leo/Libra/Pisces in 1st/2nd/3rd/5th/10th house. They know how to act with your friends and parents. They will possess Aquarius, Uranus, or 11th House influences. A lot of Leo placements indicates an exuberant person who likes to express with any kind of artistic techniques, they are naturally talented in acting, modeling or performing.

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